Saturday, 3 September 2016


You might be surprised to read the title of this blog LIFE - A NEVER ENDING GAME. You would think how can life be a game ?  But I say YES. Life is a game. Sometimes you donot require eye sight to view, You need to have a VISION to view several things. I will show you from my angle.
We all would have played lot of games during childhood and even many of us would be playing for a change or for fun. It may be a racing game, a fighting game, a puzzle game or sports game. Before starting any game for the first time, it would have surely given us an option of How To Play. What would we do ?  Obviously click on it and learn how to play to identify control buttons and its functions. The 1st stage of every game would be very easy. The 2nd would require little more efforts. The 3rd stage of game would require more efforts to complete the stage & the later stages would increase the level of difficulty to complete and move to the next stage. Now remember those days how keen we were to cross each and every stage and unlock the next stage to proceed in game ? With increase in difficulty level, our commitment to complete the stage would also increase. We would many a times fail to cross the finish line, but we never let it go. We restart the stage and try to cross it. The gist is we never stop playing game untill we cross the finish line or win the entire stages of that game.

Now consider your life as a game itself. Every incidence happening with you or around you is a part of that game.

Like every other game, life has its HOW TO PLAY option. With our birth on Earth, we have parents to teach us manners and to take care of our upbringing. We go to school and we have teachers to educate us. With passage of time we grow up and complete our studies. Our age would  be around 23 to 25. These long years we were in the menu called HOW TO PLAY. It is not just important that we have completed our learning process, important is how well we have learned.

Here starts real stages of life. We would not be facing tough stages initially but gradually as the time passes we would face some difficult stages to life to be cracked with the help of learning we had in past years.

This is all for this blog in LIFE - A NEVER ENDING GAME's Part One. Be with me in Part Two for more interesting views and more stages of life are explored where we shall evaluate each stage and guide ourselves. Part two will be published within 24 hours. Till then, Happy reading...!!


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